I was given this list my first year in Strength and Conditioning. Passing it on, please send to others that may benefit,
How to Win Friends & Influence People | Dale Carnegie
Mastery | Robert Greene Every Day Is Game Day | Mark Verstegen Core Performance | Mark Verstegen Supertraining | Mel Siff Designing Strength Training Facilities & Programs | Michael Boyle
Advances in Functional Training | Michael Boyle Functional Training for Sports | Michael Boyle Science & Practice of Strength Training | Vladmir Zatsiorsky
Starting Strength | Mark Rippetoe Practical Programming | Mark Rippetoe 5/3/1 | Jim Wendler Athletic Body in Balance | Gray Cook Movement | Gray Cook Athletic Development | Vern Gambetta Block Periodization | Vladmir Issurin Easy Strength | Dan Jon & Pavel Never Let Go | Dan John The Essence of Program Design | Juan Carlos Santana The Path to Athletic Power | Boyd Epley Theory/Application of Modern S/P Train To Win | Christian Thibaudeau Eat That Frog! | Brian Tracy The Go-Getter | Peter Kyne
25 Years, 25 Mistakes | Michael Boyle 15 Things I thought I Knew | Michael Boyle 20 Things I thought I Knew | Michael Boyle The Average American-Please Don't Be One | Larry Winget Would You Like Fries With That? | Todd Durkin One Hour Makes All The Difference | Brian Tracy Developing an Effective Strength Training Program | Dr. Raymond Tucker The Principle of the Slight Edge | Alwyn Cosgrove Rich Dad's 8 Core Values for Success | Robert Kiyosaki 10 Mistakes Coaches Make | Eric Cressey What is Strength | Mike Stone
How Strong is Strong Enough | Gavin Moir