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  • Super Sets Live Program

    Every month
    Literally not for everyone
    • Myofibril Strength/ Hypertrophy
    • High Threshold Motor Unit
    • Increased Contractile Units
    • Low reps per set coupled with high sets
    • 4-6x per week
    • App includes: Data tracking, leaderboards and Coach
  • Customized 1 on 1

    Every month
    Prepare | Peak | Perform
    • Consults as needed
    • Custom Programming
    • Weight Tracking if needed
    • Remote Coaching
    • Video analysis if needed
  • Adult Strength and Fitness

    Every month
    Adult Strength/Fitness
    • Four 60 minute Training Sessions per week
    • Cardio Included
    • Data Tracking
    • Leaderboard Competitions
    • Coaching/Education
    • Access to a Coach
  • Individual Program

    Every month
    100% Customized program
    • 5 Tool Strength

      Every month
      Road to the show
      • Bigger | Stronger | Faster
    • Miscellaneous

      Every month
      • 5 Star Strength

        Every month
        Football Specific Year Round Training Support
        • Dynamic Warm Ups
        • Plyometrics
        • Total Body Power
        • Strength/Hypertrophy
        • Offseason | Pre Season | In Season Specific
        • App or paper back options available
      • Powerlifting

        Every month
        Offseason Powerlifting Training
        • Conjugate Style Training Split
        • 4x per week
        • Extensive coaching notes and guidance
        • Access to app or paperback options available
      • Multi Sport Athletes

        Every month
        Year round training support for multi sport athletes
        • 4x per week
        • App and paperback options available
      • Modifications Upgrade

        Every month
        When you purchase this upgrade, we will make as many modifications to your program as you need.
        • Unlimited Modifications for your training program
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