Powerlifting Offseason/Meet Prep
This is a full service remote coaching to prep you for your next meet. Whether you are in off-season or in-season we have you covered! You decide how long you want your prep to be and I will meet with you and design a thorough plan including a two week taper and peak week.
Schedule a consult here and we will identify your weaknesses, assess your training schedule and build a program specific to you and your needs.
Complete this intake form once you have completed your purchase so a program can be designed specifically for you. CLICK HERE
Training Split
We run conjugate system so it is 4 total days a week. One max effort day for upper and lower and one dynamic effort day for upper and lower.
Rep Schemes
All primary and secondary strength exercises are set on an undulating system. We rotate intensities and total volume to deliver optimal amounts of stress as well as appropriate time to rest and recover.
Depending on how far out you are, in-season or off-season we may use any of the following. I will increase specificity as you get closer to competition day. Most preps will be 9-16 weeks long.
+ Flat and Inclined: Bench Press, Single Arm DB Bench Press, DB Bench
+ Back/Front Squat, Bulgarian SS, Reverse Lunge, Walking Lunge, Split Squat
+ Deadlift, Deficit Deadlift, Rack Pull, RDL, Good Morning
+ Pull Ups, DB Row variations, Barbell Row, Pendlay Row
+Standing and Seated: Barbell Overhead Press, Single Arm DB OHP, DB OHP
What kind of coaching is included?
We spend a LOT of time including very detailed coaching notes in each session to educate and teach you important aspects of training. You will get 3 week waves along with complete summaries each month. The program is then loaded onto an app, Train Heroic, where all the coaching details will be. I also provide a weight tracker scale, go over commands for each lift, and will help you with equipment and rules if needed.